on my face i have a red patches especially above and below my lips?

i can't use any makeup or anything on my face because it just affects my skin in a huge way my skin my skin goes red and blotchy (just on my face this is ) above my eyes the skin is sore i have tried everything vaseline, chapstick, creams from the chemist nothing works?? above and below my lips it is so sore and really red i look like i have a mostache can any 1 help me??????? my mum had it when she was little but i feel horrible and worst of alll i look horrible so when i go out i put a scarf on so it covers up my lips a little more!?!?!?!? people say about and it makes me feel really uncomfortable any help ??????? .

i can't use any makeup or anything on my face because it just affects my skin in a huge way my skin my skin goes red and blotchy (just on my face this is ) above my eyes the skin is sore i have tried everything vaseline, chapstick, creams from the chemist nothing works?? above and below my lips it is so sore and really red i look like i have a mostache can any 1 help me??????? my mum had it when she was little but i feel horrible and worst of alll i look horrible so when i go out i put a scarf on so it covers up my lips a little more!?!?!?!? people say about and it makes me feel really uncomfortable any help ???????




This sounds really familiar, i had the same condition as you do now last year when I just came back from Beijing when it was winter. At first I had a red itchy patch below my lower lips, then a red patch appeared above my upper lips. It was so itchy i had to keep scratching and then after a while it was all peeling and i looked like I had some skin diseases my gosh. Like you I was very self conscious and i try not to go out so often, and when i talk to people I had to cover my mouth. After a few months I went to a general practitioner, and it turned out to be Atopic Dermatitis and was triggered by the cold weather in Beijing (i come from a tropical country). She prescribed me a few creams and the condition improved alot I'm still keeping it under control with the creams now. Once in a while it comes back, and now my left eye, around the eyelid it's become dry and often flaky and dark. But that's just part of Atopic dermatitis, so I'll have to deal with it. It could be atopic dermatitis or ezcema for your case, it's best to get it checked out =D

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