Lupus is a disease that in many cases is characterized by the distinctive rash that once was thought to resemble a wolf bite. That's why the disease got the name lupus, the latin word for wolf. However, there are cases when the distinctive rash does not occur, and it was seen that there are not two cases of lupus exactly alike. Signs and symptoms can be permanent or temporary, mild or severe, or they can develop slowly or come suddenly.

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Lupus is a disease that in many cases is characterized by the distinctive rash that once was thought to resemble a wolf bite. That's why the disease got the name lupus, the latin word for wolf. However, there are cases when the distinctive rash does not occur, and it was seen that there are not two cases of lupus exactly alike. Signs and symptoms can be permanent or temporary, mild or severe, or they can develop slowly or come suddenly.
Many of the persons with lupus have periods when the disease is getting worse- the so-called flares-, and after that, the disease improves, or even disappears for a while.
Usually, the most common signs and symptoms of lupus develop at intervals, rather than all at once.A skin problem often associated with the disease is a butterfly-shaped rash that develops across the cheeks and bridge of the nose, and this rash can be flat or raised and may be blotchy or completely red in the affected areas.
Some people develop a crusty, red, raised rash which is also called discoid rash on the face, neck, chest or scalp, is usually thick and scaly, may last for days or years and often leaves hypopigmented or hyperpigmented scars. There are other people that develop skin lesions which look at first like small pimples and can turn scaly and itchy and others have large, flat, itchy lesions with clear centers.
A lot of types of glomerulonephritis can appear because of lupus. Glomerulonephritis is a condition that affects the kidneys' ability to filter toxins, leading to kidney failure. In many cases kidney damage can appear without any warning signs or symptoms, but some of those with kidney problems may develop frothy or tea-colored urine, swelling in their ankles or lower legs, or high blood pressure.Arthritis is another sign of lupus. A lot of patients with lupus can develop joint pain, stiffness and swelling, mainly in their fingers, hands, wrists and knees. Lupus-associated arthritis usually isn't deforming, comes and goes quickly, and the pain can be severe during a flare.Lupus patients are very sensitive to sunlight, they develop rashes on sun-exposed skin. It was seen that lupus can cause also brain or central nervous system problems, like headaches, seizures, vision problems, dizziness, behavior changes or stroke.Lupus can also cause lung problems, like pleurisy, which is an inflammation of the chest cavity lining that can produce sharp stabbing chest pain, and also heart problems, mucosal ulcers, and blood vessels disorders.
There are also other signs and symptoms that can appear and are not specific to lupus.
Fatigue, which is an ongoing, extreme exhaustion that's usually not relieved by rest can appear, also there can show up an unexplained fever, Raynaud's phenomenon- a condition in which your fingers, toes, nose and ears turn pale and numb when exposed to cold temperatures-, digestive problems- like abdominal pain, weight loss nausea and vomiting-, hair loss, depression and swelling.
So if you want to find more about Lupus or more details about systemic lupus please follow this link
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Author: Groshan Fabiola
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So if you want to find more about Lupus or more details about systemic lupus please follow this link
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