This infection may be due to a skin reaction to an irritant substance, to a skin allergy, or to an internal allergic reaction. Some forms of allergic eczema run in families, along with asthma and hay fever. The symptoms of eczema are patches of dry, red, itchy skin, which may be scaly and flaky, or weeping and crusted.

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This infection may be due to a skin reaction to an irritant substance, to a skin allergy, or to an internal allergic reaction. Some forms of allergic eczema run in families, along with asthma and hay fever. The symptoms of eczema are patches of dry, red, itchy skin, which may be scaly and flaky, or weeping and crusted.
Diet and Nutrition As allergies to certain foods could be part of the problem, try to figure out which ones are affecting your condition. (Atopic eczema is less common in breastfed babies, and affected children are often allergic to cow's milk, or other foods.) Many complementary practitioners recommend nutritional modification as part of the treatment of eczema. Evening primrose oil supplements are very helpful.
Hydrotherapy Hot mud or sand baths, and Dead Sea bathing salts reputedly reduce long-term sensitivity. Add half a cup of sodium bicarbonate to bathwater for short-term relief from irritation.
Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:
Herbal Medicine Drink calendula or marigold tea, and take golden seal - either by mouth (mix with honey), or as an infusion to bathe the skin. St. John's wort oil is also effective.
Acupuncture This reputedly has good success rates.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal teas have been proven highly effective in alleviating childhood eczema.
Massage Daily local massage with essential oils such as rose, geranium, juniper, lavender, or hyssop has been found to be beneficial for some people who are suffering from eczema.
Urticaria (Nettle Rash or Hives)
Urticaria is an allergic reaction to certain foods, to drugs such as antibiotics, or to direct contact (insect stings, for example). The common foods for causing urticaria are milk, wheat, corn, citrus fruit, eggs, strawberries, and shellfish. Some urticaria seems to be caused by emotional distress. No matter what the cause, stress will always exacerbate the complaint.
Urticaria is characterized by raised red patches, sometimes with pale centers, which are intensely itchy. They are normally caused by a food allergy (shellfish, strawberries, and nuts are common allergens), food additives, drugs, insect bites, extreme cases of hay fever, stress and, in people prone to this condition, heat, cold, or sunlight.
Nettle rash occurs when the skin causes the body to release histamine into the affected tissues. These raise into the characteristic weals, normally appearing on the lips, around the eyes, the limbs, trunk, and neck. Occasionally there will be swelling of the tongue and voice box (larynx), which may cause the throat to close and prevent normal breathing. In this case, urgent medical help is needed. Nettle rash can last for several days or simply a few hours.
Treatment Naturopathy Apply vitamin E cream
Herbal Medicine Soak infected area in an infusion of camomile or chickweed to relieve itching.
Diet and Nutrition Vitamin C may reduce the risk of repeated attacks.
Homeopathy Take Urtica for a reaction to nettles; Apis for irritating weals; and Rhus tox. for blotchy swellings.
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Author: Alien
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