The most neglected part of the body is often times the skin. Skin is your largest organ and is constantly subjected to the elements in the form of rain, snow, wind and the sweltering sun. Many chemicals are used on the skin from cosmetic products to harsh soaps. We use razors, depilatories and hot wax and we use everything from powders to body sprays to colognes and the like on our skin. All of these things have left our skin crying out for relief!

Image by s-t-r-a-n-g-e
The most neglected part of the body is often times the skin. Skin is your largest organ and is constantly subjected to the elements in the form of rain, snow, wind and the sweltering sun. Many chemicals are used on the skin from cosmetic products to harsh soaps. We use razors, depilatories and hot wax and we use everything from powders to body sprays to colognes and the like on our skin. All of these things have left our skin crying out for relief!
All of these activities can lead to a whole host of different problems such as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, chapping and/or chafing, dryness of the skin as well as flaking and scaling, sunburn, and allergic reactions (which often includes redness, swelling, itching and little bumps on the skin). Many people reach for antibiotic creams or cortisone creams to encourage their skin to heal when in actuality you may be harming your skin far worse by applying these substances. Cortisone cream and many antibiotic ointments contain strong steroids which can often thin the skin and then can leave it vulnerable to even more irritation as well as infections.
If you are not aware of it, the skin acts as a shield or protective barrier from invaders that could possibly do it harm. These invaders can include poisons and toxins in the environment, bacteria and airborne viruses. The skin is able to block out all negative substances; however, over time this takes a toll on the skin and can wear it down. The skin then becomes saggy and sometimes blotchy and it becomes dry, red and itchy. This means that both your face and body pay a terrible price for all of the abuse they endure. The immune system does what it can but it reaches a point where it is unable to keep up with all that is happening to it and this makes the skin more vulnerable to the flu and to head colds.
One of the skin's best defenses is aloe vera, which comes from the aloe vera plant. Aloe vera was used by Cleopatra to give the skin a natural glow and to help prevent many skin conditions from developing. Aloe vera was considered a miracle plant by ancient Greek physicians as the plant has many benefits that do the skin a great deal of good.
Aloe vera provides a natural barrier to the elements and is used externally to keep out smoke, pollution and the harmful rays of the sun as well as a variety of dangerous toxins. Aloe vera also helps to minimize scarring as well as helping cuts, bruises and burns to heal as swiftly as possible and to destroy bacteria that attempt to make its way into open cuts and sores on the skin. Aloe vera helps to relieve redness, swelling and inflammation and it soothes the burning ache of itchy skin.
Nowadays it is difficult to protect our skin from the harmful rays of the sun, air pollution, and the elements; however, the use of aloe vera can help negate the effects.
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Author: Scott Meyers
About the author:
Scott Meyers is a staff writer for Its Entirely Natural, a resource for helping you achieve a naturally healthy body, mind, and spirit. You may contact our writers through the web site. Follow this link for more information on Herbal Remedies.
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