Dermabrasion is a surgical procedure designed to remove skin imperfections. Dermabrasion, or surgical planning of the skin, is done in selected patients with facial deformities from scars resulting from acne, trauma, nevi, freckles, tattoo, and chickenpox or smallpox.

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Dermabrasion is a surgical procedure designed to remove skin imperfections. Dermabrasion, or surgical planning of the skin, is done in selected patients with facial deformities from scars resulting from acne, trauma, nevi, freckles, tattoo, and chickenpox or smallpox.
Dermabrasion Procedure
Dermabrasion involves the removal of the epidermis and some superficial dermis while preserving sufficient dermis to allow re-epithelialization of the operated areas. Results are best in the face, because it is rich in intra-dermal epithelial elements.
Either manually with coarse abrasive paper, or mechanically with an abrader or a rapidly rotating wire brush, the surgical planning or dermabrasion is performed.
Instructions for Dermabrasion Patients
Improving the appearance is the primary reason for undergoing dermabrasion. The surgeon explains to the patient what he can expect from dermabrasion, before the process will begin.
The patient should also be informed about how long it will take before his tissues will look normal again, the nature of the post surgical dressing and the discomforts he may experience.
Usually, the extent of the surface to be planed will determine whether the procedure takes place in the surgeon's office, the clinic, or the hospital. In most cases, a general anesthetic is used and the patient is hospitalized.
The skin is thoroughly cleansed for several days before the surgery. It is important for the male patients to shave the face on the morning of the surgery. In addition to general anesthesia, it is desirable to use of a topical spray anesthetic for stabilizing and stiffening the skin.
The depth of planning can be readily gauged and the anesthetized area is momentarily bloodless. An abrasive dermabrasion machine, usually known as the Dermabrader, or the sandpapering, removes the superficial layers of skin.
During and after planning, copious saline irrigations remove debris and allow for inspection.
Things To Be Considered Before Going For Dermabrasion
There are still some factors that need to be considered before jumping for dermabrasion, even if it is one of the best surgeries needed to clear the skin from scars from acne and other skin problems.
As all skin types are not equal, it is very important to consider these factors. Hence, the effects may vary. Here are some of the factors that need to be considered before applying dermabrasion.
1. Dark Skin
After dermabrasion, the dark skinned people tend to have permanent discoloration or blotchiness. Therefore, it would be better not to opt of dermabrasion if the skin falls under this category.
2. Sensitive Skin
There are people who are born with sensitive skins. Sensitive skinned people will immediately experience allergic reactions to some chemicals or treatments that the skin cannot tolerate. In this manner, people who have sensitive skins should not resort to dermabrasion.
3. Acne
It is best not to try dermabrasion, if the person has acne that is currently on its active stage. This is because there is the danger of infection due to the freshness of the open skin.
Bacteria that cause infection will easily penetrate ruptured or open skin. This is also applicable for people who have burnt skin or those that have previously undergo chemical peel.
4. Dermabrasion Surgeons
Be wary of people who perform dermabrasion. Actually, Dermabrasion is a safe surgical treatment. However, in order to perform it properly, it requires expertise and familiarity on the procedure.
Hence, dermabrasion should not be executed by people who still lack some of the required skills in the execution of the process.
5. Keloids
There are skins that trend to develop keloids or excessive benign growth of skin tissues. Usually, this type of people, develop a scar or keloid, whenever their skin is damaged. Hence chances are there that they would develop the same thing when they undergo dermabrasion.
Article source:
Author: Alien
About the author:
Alien writes for acne skin care. He also writes for makeup tips and skin problems
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