Rubeola is an acute highly contagious disease is also known Measles. Measles is a virus. It is is a highly contagious and respiratory infection. It is mostly seen in the winter and spring. Rubeola is preventable by proper immunization with the measles vaccine. Measles is spread through respiration (contact with fluids from an infected person's nose and mouth, either directly or through aerosol transmission), and is highly contagious"90% of people without immunity sharing a house with an infected person will catch it. Airborne precautions should be taken for all suspected cases of measles. Rubeola is preventable by proper immunization with the measles vaccine. Sometimes, it is spread through air-borne droplets from an infected child. This is a very contagious disease that usually consists of a rash, fever, and cough. Child is contagious one to two days before the onset of signs and symptoms and three to five days after the rash develops.The measles rash typically has a red or reddish brown blotchy appearance, and first usually shows up on the forehead, then spreads downward over the face, neck, and body, then down to the feet. During the early phase of the disease (which lasts between one to four days), symptoms usually resemble those of an upper respiratory infection.

Image by Steven Fernandez
Rubeola is an acute highly contagious disease is also known Measles. Measles is a virus. It is is a highly contagious and respiratory infection. It is mostly seen in the winter and spring. Rubeola is preventable by proper immunization with the measles vaccine. Measles is spread through respiration (contact with fluids from an infected person's nose and mouth, either directly or through aerosol transmission), and is highly contagious"90% of people without immunity sharing a house with an infected person will catch it. Airborne precautions should be taken for all suspected cases of measles. Rubeola is preventable by proper immunization with the measles vaccine. Sometimes, it is spread through air-borne droplets from an infected child. This is a very contagious disease that usually consists of a rash, fever, and cough. Child is contagious one to two days before the onset of signs and symptoms and three to five days after the rash develops.The measles rash typically has a red or reddish brown blotchy appearance, and first usually shows up on the forehead, then spreads downward over the face, neck, and body, then down to the feet. During the early phase of the disease (which lasts between one to four days), symptoms usually resemble those of an upper respiratory infection.
Rubeola is very rare in the United States. Measles typically causes moderate illness. Patients with HIV, or certain types of leukemia or lymphoma, are more likely to develop severe complications from measles. The most important thing you can do to protect your child from measles is to have him or her vaccinated according to the schedule. Symptoms of rubeola may resemble other skin conditions or medical problems. Measles infection has no sex predilection. It has an incubation period of 7-14 days (average, 10-11 d). It is communicable just before the beginning of the prodromal symptoms, until approximately 4 days following the onset of the exanthem. The prodrome develops on day zero following incubation. If fever is making your child more uncomfortable, you may want to give a non-aspirin fever medication such as acetaminophen.Use a cool-mist vaporizer to relieve cough and to soothe breathing passages. Clean the vaporizer each day to prevent mold from growing. Avoid hot-water or steam vaporizers that can cause accidental burns and scalds in children.
Causes of Rubeola
Measles or Rubeola spread many causes frst is measles is caused by a virus. Rubeola virus is classified as a Morbillivirus. Measles can also be passed by direct contact with nasal or throat secretions of infected persons or objects contaminated with the measles virus. Increased fluid intake acetaminophen for fever (Do not give aspirin). Measles epidemics occur every 2-3 years in areas of the world without effective immunization programs and there are small localized outbreaks in the intervening years. Measles is among the most readily transmitted of all infectious diseases. It is like chickenpox. It also can happen when people touch used tissues, share drinking glasses or touch hands that have infected droplets on them.
Symptoms of Rubeola
2.Redness and irritation of the eyes.
Treatment of Rubeola
There is no specific treatment for Rubeola. Treatment for measles generally consists of only supportive care. Children with measles should get extra rest to help them recover. Cool-mist humidifier to soothe respiratory passages and relieve cough, and acetaminophen (Tylenol) to reduce fever and relieve discomfort. Do not use aspirin in children with measles because of the risk of developing a rare liver and brain problem called Reye's syndrome. For most kids, the measles vaccine is part of the measles-mumps-rubella immunizations (MMR) given at 12 to 15 months of age and again at 4 to 6 years of age. As is the case with all immunization schedules, there are important exceptions and special circumstances. As with any viral infection, encourage your child to drink clear fluids: water, fruit juice, tea, and lemonade. These will help replace bodily fluids your child loses in the heat and sweating of fever episodes.
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Author: Juliet Cohen
About the author:
Juliet Cohen writes articles on rare skin disorders and health disorders. She also writes articles on health care.
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