I'd like some advice?

I am here because I am worried. I am a 21 year old male who is concerned with his health. My girlfriend was recently sexually assaulted and the assailant used a condom. The only part of the rape that was unprotected was oral. 4 days after the rape she decided she wanted to continue our sex life, she didn't want it affecting our relationship. She has been assaulted before and not the "average girl". She performed oral sex on me and immediately afterwards (literally 1 second) I had some burning in my urethra and difficulty/pain urinating, this was instant. I also instantly developed a ring around the head of my penis glands (they are swollen around the edges and red like someone highlighted them with a marker, also raised in a very perfect line, not blotchy or anything).

I am here because I am worried. I am a 21 year old male who is concerned with his health. My girlfriend was recently sexually assaulted and the assailant used a condom. The only part of the rape that was unprotected was oral. 4 days after the rape she decided she wanted to continue our sex life, she didn't want it affecting our relationship. She has been assaulted before and not the "average girl". She performed oral sex on me and immediately afterwards (literally 1 second) I had some burning in my urethra and difficulty/pain urinating, this was instant. I also instantly developed a ring around the head of my penis glands (they are swollen around the edges and red like someone highlighted them with a marker, also raised in a very perfect line, not blotchy or anything). The next day my scrotum started itching/burning and there was minor redness on it. I went to a hospital and had a swab and urine test done to see if I had chlamydia etc. all was negative, so were her tests. I showed the doctor the inflammation and he said it looked normal. Both he and my primary doctor over the phone told me that no STD can show symptoms that fast and that what I had didn't sound like an STD. It has been about a week since then and now my eyes are feeling odd. My right eye feels swollen but it isn't. It burns kind of like it's dry or if you get shampoo in it and clean it but it's still irritated. Both eyes are semi-affected but it's right one mainly. I'm scared that I transferred herpes to my eye or something if that's what I have and that I'll go blind. The more I think about it, the worse it gets. The skin behind my beard feels more dry and itchy, so does the skin behind my eyebrows. I have had no sores, blisters, bumps, or anything like that. My girlfriend has had 0 symptoms as well. I've read all kinds of theories about HSV 2 only affecting the mouth or preferring it and others where they say it's interchangeable and doesn't matter. I haven't had any bloodwork done, and I plan to get it. It just seems odd that if it is an STD/STI that it could spread that fast and appear that fast? Instant pain after the blow job? Instant redness on the scrotum and then a possible instant auto-inocculation with almost constant eye irritation? I can't stop searching this stuff online and looking it up, I feel like a hypochondriac and recently got over something I was very hypochondriac-like about unrelated to this. I am freaking out and I would like some advice. Thanks




I think you have self diagnosed yourself. The mind is an unbelievably powerful thing. From what you are saying, it sounds very much like this is another example of how the mind can cause actual physical symptoms. " I can't stop searching this stuff online and looking it up" "recently got over something I was very hypochondriac-like about unrelated to this." "I am freaking out" "The more I think about it, the worse it gets." "My girlfriend has had 0 symptoms" These statements support this diagnosis.

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