What are some good home face masks to get clear skin? My skin is all blotchy...And if possible can you list the "easy" ones? Also, I heard toothpaste is good, is this true? Thanks! ~10 pts to best answer~ P.S. How fast will these things work, if you know!
Toothpaste is good but it dries out your face a lot, so don't use it all the time! By blotchy do you mean uneven? Because one that I did that I really liked was oats and honey and milk. I never knew the exact measurements so I just guessed. It's supposed to be thicker though so you can leave it one your face for 15 min. It also acts as an exfoliant so it will get rid of the dead skin on your face and give it a nice glow! Also try this one, squeeze half a lemon and mix the juice with one beaten egg white. Apply on your face and leave for overnight. Wash your face with warm water in the morning. Also, go to this question, it's pretty much the same as yours and has some good answers! http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071229074811AAIQa7W good luck