Is clinique good for those nasty dry flaky patches? i only have slight acne, but mostly my face is dry. i want a foundation that wont look like a blotchy powdery mess after a couple of hours, ive tried covergirl aquasmooth creme to powder or something like that, i love the way it makes my skin look for about 20 minutes and then it looks more powdery splotchy instead of matte. can anyone help me?
The dry flaky patches aren't going to go away with moisturizer alone. You have to exfoliate. What happens is that the dead, dry skin is sitting on top of your face and your pores. You can put all the moisturizer in the world on your face, but if that dead, dry skin is sitting there, it won't get into your pores, and therefore, will not effectively hydrate. Exfoliation removes the dead, dry skin and opens the pores, so moisturizer can get in there and do its job. I use Clinque 7-Day Scrub after I wash my face. If you haven't exfoliated before, you should use this product for 7 days straight, then the next week for six days, etc.. or as often or as little as you think you need. (Should you decide to try it, the Clinique reps can give you more details about it.) I would also suggest the Clinique Clarifying Lotion, which is an exfoliant as well, to be used on days you do not use the scrub. You will find that your makeup goes on better and stays on longer if you exfoliate.