I am a 17 year old girl and for as long as I can remember I have had splotchy type circles on my skin. They are blue or red or purple and they all run together. Mainly I get them on my legs, but sometimes my arms too and it happens to my hands and feet, also my feet can get cold really easily. Could it be poor circulation? Thats what seems to fit the symptoms but I am fairly active and I don't think I have a poor diet and I seem to be healthy in other respects. If I massage my skin or if I am very warm the splotches go away and my skin is pretty. I hate it because I am embarassed to wear anything that shows any skin. I wear long sleeved shirts and pants unless it is boiling out (in which case it is too hot to wear pants and the blotches are usually gone because I'm warm) because I am so embarassed of my skin. I look diseased. I don't know why this happens to me. I've only asked my doctor about it once a few years ago and she said I just have thin skin and dismissed it and said it is why I get sun-burned easily and I can just see my veins easier? I don't know. It kind of sounded like BS though, ha. I also think it is poor circulation because when I get cuts they take a while to heal and I scar easily. How do I fix poor circulation. They say exercise but I usually do and if it is cold then even if I'm exercising my skin still stays purple. It needs heat and when I rub it it heats up and fixes it is the weirdest thing. Please help me!
That sounds scary. You should really ask your doctor to do a CBC test (complete blood count) just to make sure you are healthy, you know?