What might my younger sister be suffering from?

My sister has blotchy coloured legs and feet. The blotches are red and purplish in colour and are more noticable when its cold out or when she complains that she is cold. She also complains about dull pain even w/ the lightest touch. I'm worried about her and she refuses to visit a doctor. She is really ashamed of what her skin looks like and I really want to help her. Any ideas of what it could be? no, i highly doubt its chicken box.. shes not itchy. She has had the blotcy skin condition for years now. Its not dry or flaky or bumpy just the skin tone is patchy purple and red, as i said before but thanks for your input .

My sister has blotchy coloured legs and feet. The blotches are red and purplish in colour and are more noticable when its cold out or when she complains that she is cold. She also complains about dull pain even w/ the lightest touch. I'm worried about her and she refuses to visit a doctor. She is really ashamed of what her skin looks like and I really want to help her. Any ideas of what it could be? no, i highly doubt its chicken box.. shes not itchy. She has had the blotcy skin condition for years now. Its not dry or flaky or bumpy just the skin tone is patchy purple and red, as i said before but thanks for your input




It is not possible to tell without a proper examination and the information given is very limited. However, based on what you mentioned, I would consider a condition called Reynaud's Phenomenon. More info about it here: http://arthritis.webmd.com/tc/raynauds-phenomenon-topic-overview Read the symptoms and see if it fits her. Best of luck!

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