How can I fix the white spots and uneven color from Mystic Tan?

I went to the tanning salon, got detailed instructions and followed them before using the Mystic Tan with Bronzer. So, I applied the barrier cream to my hands, feet, and nails. Wore the hair net properly. Then I entered the Spray Tan machine. I stood there with my hands above my head, turned and did the same when instructed by the machine. I got out, toweled off, rubbing instead of blotting. Then I washed my hands and all seemed okay. A couple hours later it got darker. I then started to notice my right arm had a huge white spot running from my wrist to my elbow.

I went to the tanning salon, got detailed instructions and followed them before using the Mystic Tan with Bronzer. So, I applied the barrier cream to my hands, feet, and nails. Wore the hair net properly. Then I entered the Spray Tan machine. I stood there with my hands above my head, turned and did the same when instructed by the machine. I got out, toweled off, rubbing instead of blotting. Then I washed my hands and all seemed okay. A couple hours later it got darker. I then started to notice my right arm had a huge white spot running from my wrist to my elbow. When I woke this morning and took my first shower I noticed my back side of my body had a nice smooth even "tan" but my front side was blotchy in many places. I am leaving for a vacation in Vegas in a couple days and look like I have some kind of skin problem on my right arm.. definitely not what I was hoping for. The rest of my body can stay covered up. Any hints on what to do to fix that one spot. Or should I continue to bathe, shower, and exfoliate like crazy until it comes off (solution courtesy of internet searches).




Go to the drugstore and buy spray tan in a can-Neutrogena-makes a good one-spray the uneven spots-I stopped using Mystic Tan-and just use this-alot more convienent and less expensive

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