What are some good home remedies for making skin clearer and less blotchy?

My skin lately has been very bad. It's been pretty oily and I keep breaking out. This on top of the fact that most days my skin is not all the same color. It's hard to explain but I'm sure most of you understand. It gets dark blotches and such in certain spots. Any home remedies or even store products on the market that actually work? As in products that don't cause the skin to get worse before it gets better like a lot of them. .

My skin lately has been very bad. It's been pretty oily and I keep breaking out. This on top of the fact that most days my skin is not all the same color. It's hard to explain but I'm sure most of you understand. It gets dark blotches and such in certain spots. Any home remedies or even store products on the market that actually work? As in products that don't cause the skin to get worse before it gets better like a lot of them.




I heard that drinking lots of water helps clear up acne..

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