the baby has eczema and parent was told by the doctor to us hydrocortisone now after use of this The baby has different types of skin colors kind of blotchy like all over her body.
It is possible that it has nothing to do with the steroid, it could be what they call postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. What that means is, many times when a person has trauma to the skin, a rash, even a bug bit, or in the baby's case, and eczema outbreak, that after the skin heals it sometimes has a darker or different pigment color than the rest of the skin. If there was a large outbreak, you will see the skin pigment is different in many areas. It is not anything to worry about, in fact, it is quite normal that the skin does that. Usually there is no treatment, especially in a baby. The skin will eventually return to normal over the course of time. Here is some info from the internet: Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation What is postinflammatory hyperpigmentation? Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation is a discolouration that is left on the skin after an underlying skin disease has healed. These underlying conditions include: skin infections allergic reactions mechanical injuries reactions to medications phototoxic eruptions trauma (e.g. burns) inflammatory reactions (e.g. acne, dermatitis, lichen planus). The postinflammatory hyperpigmented lesions are located at the site of the originating disease after it has healed. The lesions range from light brown to black in colour. Usually, hyperpigmentation will gradually lessen over time and normal skin colour will return. However, this is a long process that may take up to 6-12 months or longer.