Natural is Overrated

When you see your girlfriend with black circles, blotchy skin and yellow teeth in the morning, that's the real 'natural' look. Girls that appear "natural" ...

Jan 19 2009, Voxy, New Zealand -

When you see your girlfriend with black circles, blotchy skin and yellow teeth in the morning, that's the real 'natural' look. Girls that appear "natural" ...

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What I see in the mirror

I have sensitive skin, so if I shave every day, I go blotchy. I tend to shave and leave it a couple of days. Then a couple of days becomes a week, ...

Jan 17 2009,, UK -

I have sensitive skin, so if I shave every day, I go blotchy. I tend to shave and leave it a couple of days. Then a couple of days becomes a week, ...

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Protect yourself against the cold

During re-warming, the affected area will become extremely painful, red and blotchy, indicating return of adequate circulation. Wash the area thoroughly ...Danger: Deep freeze Catskill Daily Mailall 60 news articles

Jan 16 2009, Shelby Township Source Newspapers, MI -

During re-warming, the affected area will become extremely painful, red and blotchy, indicating return of adequate circulation. Wash the area thoroughly ...Danger: Deep freeze Catskill Daily Mailall 60 news articles

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Foundation offers help on keeping skin safe from overexposure to sun

Exfoliate: The buildup of stratum corneum (the dead outermost skin cell layer) can make skin appear blotchy and uneven. Use a loofah, scrub, alpha hydroxy ...

Jan 14 2009, ElmLeaves, IL -

Exfoliate: The buildup of stratum corneum (the dead outermost skin cell layer) can make skin appear blotchy and uneven. Use a loofah, scrub, alpha hydroxy ...

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A sunburnt country

"It's orangey, it's blotchy, it smells bad. And if you've kissed a girl on the neck who's wearing it, it doesn't taste good, either. ...

Jan 14 2009, Sydney Morning Herald, Australia -

"It's orangey, it's blotchy, it smells bad. And if you've kissed a girl on the neck who's wearing it, it doesn't taste good, either. ...

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Skin Pigment Disease Reversed with Piperine Nutrient From Black Pepper

Vitiligo is a disease in which sections of the skin lose their pigmentation and turn white, often leading to a blotchy, mottled look. ...

Jan 13 2009, Natural, AZ -

Vitiligo is a disease in which sections of the skin lose their pigmentation and turn white, often leading to a blotchy, mottled look. ...

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Nine Lasers to ask Your Doctors About for Younger Looking Skin

This laser's dual wavelengths can be used to rejuvenate the skin from acne scars and lip wrinkles to eliminating the blotchy discolorations and age spots on ...

Jan 10 2009, PR Web (press release), WA -

This laser's dual wavelengths can be used to rejuvenate the skin from acne scars and lip wrinkles to eliminating the blotchy discolorations and age spots on ...

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rash on the neck which i think is spreading?

i got a rash on my neck and its been there for a few days. it started from wearing a long coat and a high collar made from wool and kept rubbing on my neck. however i think the rash has spread a little to the back of my ear. the rash is also blotchy in small patches over an area rather than one big rash, this being a small patches but the skin around it is fine then another little patch and it looks similar to a heat rash. any advice on how to get rid of it? and what cream to use.

i got a rash on my neck and its been there for a few days. it started from wearing a long coat and a high collar made from wool and kept rubbing on my neck. however i think the rash has spread a little to the back of my ear. the rash is also blotchy in small patches over an area rather than one big rash, this being a small patches but the skin around it is fine then another little patch and it looks similar to a heat rash. any advice on how to get rid of it? and what cream to use. i usually use cocoa butter cream on the face, is this any good? should i even be using cocoa butter on the face?




Stick a pin in that balloon of worry by visiting a doctor to (1) get it under control and over with as soon as possible and (2) put your mind at ease, which is every bit as important as the thing itself.

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What might my younger sister be suffering from?

My sister has blotchy coloured legs and feet. The blotches are red and purplish in colour and are more noticable when its cold out or when she complains that she is cold. She also complains about dull pain even w/ the lightest touch. I'm worried about her and she refuses to visit a doctor. She is really ashamed of what her skin looks like and I really want to help her. Any ideas of what it could be? no, i highly doubt its chicken box.. shes not itchy. She has had the blotcy skin condition for years now. Its not dry or flaky or bumpy just the skin tone is patchy purple and red, as i said before but thanks for your input .

My sister has blotchy coloured legs and feet. The blotches are red and purplish in colour and are more noticable when its cold out or when she complains that she is cold. She also complains about dull pain even w/ the lightest touch. I'm worried about her and she refuses to visit a doctor. She is really ashamed of what her skin looks like and I really want to help her. Any ideas of what it could be? no, i highly doubt its chicken box.. shes not itchy. She has had the blotcy skin condition for years now. Its not dry or flaky or bumpy just the skin tone is patchy purple and red, as i said before but thanks for your input




It is not possible to tell without a proper examination and the information given is very limited. However, based on what you mentioned, I would consider a condition called Reynaud's Phenomenon. More info about it here: Read the symptoms and see if it fits her. Best of luck!

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saw this guy: pale, EXTREMELY blotchy red skin in some areas, in many areas. what is it?

can't be from extreme temperatures- it was just a little warm (indoor waterpark) *******he had something that looked like an animal bite on his lower back (kinda pink/purplish) ^^^ i no that cuz we were on stairs and he was ahead of me, you pervs that took it differently. .

can't be from extreme temperatures- it was just a little warm (indoor waterpark) *******he had something that looked like an animal bite on his lower back (kinda pink/purplish) ^^^ i no that cuz we were on stairs and he was ahead of me, you pervs that took it differently.




the poor guy has psoriasis you're a bad person for pointing out his condition like this

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how do you get your skin to be smooth and glowing?

i've tried lots of products from pretty much every company. neutrogena i've found to work the best, but i still have red, uneven, and sometimes acne prone skin on my face no matter what i try. i exfoliate a few times a week and wash my face in the morning and night, and i drink a lot of water. the tone of my skin is red and blotchy no matter what i do! GIRLS.or guys with nice skin :o) who has tips or suggestions for how to get really nice skin? also, i have extremely dry, saraha like skin. :) i know it sounds like i wash my face a lot.

i've tried lots of products from pretty much every company. neutrogena i've found to work the best, but i still have red, uneven, and sometimes acne prone skin on my face no matter what i try. i exfoliate a few times a week and wash my face in the morning and night, and i drink a lot of water. the tone of my skin is red and blotchy no matter what i do! GIRLS.or guys with nice skin :o) who has tips or suggestions for how to get really nice skin? also, i have extremely dry, saraha like skin. :) i know it sounds like i wash my face a lot. but trusttttt mee. i've lived with this for 7 years lol i've tried everything and this is the thing that works the most. i've tried not exfoliating, only doing it once a week, washing my face only at night, only in the morning, drinking more water drinking less water, not wearing make-up, EVERYTHING. haha. frustrating!!!!




go to and take the test and they'll give you a certain product that matches with your skin type

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Can raw aloe vera or other plants / oils be used to treat skin conditions?

I have seborrhoeic dermatitis which causes blotchiness and causes skin to peel away on my face. Even when the blotchiness is gone my skin feels and look dry around my cheeks, and eyes. The only thing I use is some vaseline on my cheeks after coming out the shower in the evenings and in the morning. I find that normal face creams can cause my skin to feel like it is burning when the cream is applied. Is Aloe Vera from a plant (rather than a shop) an option? I would like to use something natural instead of stuff with alcohol in it.

I have seborrhoeic dermatitis which causes blotchiness and causes skin to peel away on my face. Even when the blotchiness is gone my skin feels and look dry around my cheeks, and eyes. The only thing I use is some vaseline on my cheeks after coming out the shower in the evenings and in the morning. I find that normal face creams can cause my skin to feel like it is burning when the cream is applied. Is Aloe Vera from a plant (rather than a shop) an option? I would like to use something natural instead of stuff with alcohol in it. I have two issues. The deramititis and the need for a better moisturiser even when the skin is not blotchy..




I don't know about dermatitis, but aloe vera works to sooth irritated skin. I have an aloe vera plant and when I get dry spots on my face or when the area around my eyes is sore from makeup removal I just cut off a little chunk and rub the juice on the area. do this at night, though, because when it dries it sometimes leaves a little film. but it works for soothing!

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Pumpkin Power Has A Peelgood Factor For Skin

For several hours, my face was red and blotchy but it looked fresher and was softer to touch. In a few days, skin began to peel and dry patches appeared, ...

Jan 06 2009, Glasgow Daily Record, UK -

For several hours, my face was red and blotchy but it looked fresher and was softer to touch. In a few days, skin began to peel and dry patches appeared, ...

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I don't normally sign petitions, but in this case...

... and finally it was happening, and my nipples were sore, and my back was aching, and my stitches hurt, and my skin was blotchy, and I'd had no sleep for ...

Jan 04 2009,, UK -

... and finally it was happening, and my nipples were sore, and my back was aching, and my stitches hurt, and my skin was blotchy, and I'd had no sleep for ...

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How are you doing?

Since starting Tarceva last month, I have a red blotchy rash on my chin; it also runs across my cheeks and over the bridge of my nose, around the eyes and ...

Jan 03 2009, Seattle Post Intelligencer -

Since starting Tarceva last month, I have a red blotchy rash on my chin; it also runs across my cheeks and over the bridge of my nose, around the eyes and ...

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Tips for the holiday party princess' 'morning-after uglies'

*Red, blotchy skin. To cause the redness to fade for several hours, spritz a little Afrin decongestant nose spray (or similar spray) onto the affected area. ...

Jan 01 2009, Orlando Sentinel, FL -

*Red, blotchy skin. To cause the redness to fade for several hours, spritz a little Afrin decongestant nose spray (or similar spray) onto the affected area. ...

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Recession Rejuvenation: 8 Steps to Looking Great Without Plastic ...

More than that, this miracle vitamin evens out blotchy skin color and actually reduces skin cancers. It's incredible! Cost: $50/month, plus a consultation ...

Dec 30 2008, Women on the Web, NY -

More than that, this miracle vitamin evens out blotchy skin color and actually reduces skin cancers. It's incredible! Cost: $50/month, plus a consultation ...

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Tips for avoiding frostbite

Symptoms of frostbite include the skin becoming red; then yellow, gray or blotchy white; then finally completely white. There may also be swelling and a ...

Dec 29 2008, Herald Times Reporter, WI -

Symptoms of frostbite include the skin becoming red; then yellow, gray or blotchy white; then finally completely white. There may also be swelling and a ...

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Cheat, drink and be merry

... expert tricks for a radiant start to 2009 Christmas excess can leave skin dry, puffy, blotchy, and as dull as your least-favourite relative's anecdotes. ...

Dec 29 2008, Independent, UK -

... expert tricks for a radiant start to 2009 Christmas excess can leave skin dry, puffy, blotchy, and as dull as your least-favourite relative's anecdotes. ...

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The mirror never lies, especially after a late night. Lisa Haynes ...

Face SOS: Avoid magnifying mirrors at all costs after a wild night on the tiles - you don't want to see red eyes, blotchy skin and puffy cheeks staring back ...

Dec 22 2008, Halifax Evening Courier, UK -

Face SOS: Avoid magnifying mirrors at all costs after a wild night on the tiles - you don't want to see red eyes, blotchy skin and puffy cheeks staring back ...

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